24 April, 2011

Our Trip Itinerary Final review

So this trip was planned in haste but turned out okay.

Monday Apr 18:
5am wake up. Singapore - Johore Bahru (JB) Larkin terminal, Malaysia.
7am Bus JB - KL. Having a break in KL, visit Pasar Seni Chinatown & early night sleep.

Tue Apr 19:
6am flight KL-Siem Reap. Arrived 8.30am in Cambodia.
10 am early lunch in Old Market Psaar Chaa & Start out temple tour.
South Gate photo ops, Bayon, Baphuon (under reno), Phimenakas, Terrace of the Elephant and Terrace of Leper King. All in Angkor Thom complex. Then proceeded to smaller temples. Watch sunset at Phnom Bakheng.
7pm Dinner at Apsara Show and buffet of local and international foodfare.

Wed Apr 20:
5am catching sunrise at Angkor Wat.
Angkor Wat tour, then side trip to Banteay Srey with lunch. Then Pre Rup.
4pm early back to hotel.
6pm Dinner at Sivatha St. & walking around the Night Market, Noon Night Market.

Thurs Apr 21:
9am visit to Artisans d'Angkor
10am start of Grand Circuit tour: Preah Khan ("Temple of Sword"), Neak Phan, Ta Keo, and Prasat Kravan. Then we went to side trip to Tonle Sap, took a boat ride around the Floating Village. Back to Siem Reap at the local night bazaar with dinner of BBQ Chicken. It has local rides, shootout for kids, with the locals having dinners sitting on the floor on thatched blanket (tikar).

Fri Apr 22:
8am flight to Malaysia. Then trip around Bukit Bintang. Bus 7pm back to Singapore.

Siem Reap travel information:
It is advisable to carry US Dollar there as currency of choice. Fx rate 4,000 Cambodian riels to US$1. Plenty of money changers around town. Travel by taxi or tuk tuk (moto) is generally safe. Siem Reap itself is a relatively small town with walking distance of 15-20 minutes walk along places of interests which cluster around Old Market area. The French Quarter is further north about 30 mins walk or around 2km along Road No. 6 to the North. The airport is clean and modern.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...