30 April, 2011

Killiney road for dinner

After a bout of (heavy) shopping at OG, our retail appetite satisfied by new bed sheet, quilt cover, shoes, convertible bagpack, interesting adventure on "Japanese" demo floor mat, well... almost, I wanted to take mom to my favorite Indonesian food place at Killiney Road, yep Warung M. Nasir. I have known the place since they had the place at showflat of the Sail, long time back, when MS first moved to OMB. I took a Jap fren there once, and she liked the atmosphere. Warung is Indonesia/Malaysian. It normally refes to a small, informal, eating place, where atmosphere is kampung, simple, and natural.

But we walked shooting past the place (again - since it is rather poorly lighted), and mom spotted a sign in Chinese that says Rice Roll and Porridge. I am delighted to find a new eating place to try. And the place is simple, lined with newspaper clippings about the place and Durian Cheong Fan. Hmm Durian and Cheong Fan - which means soft Rice Flour cake that is normally served warm with plenty of sweet light sauce and sesame seeds. We finally settled to ordering Durian's hallmark, and we were not dissappointed. Throughout the way, we observed that the popular dish was ordered by many, and another hot favorite is the Porridge.

Durian Cheong Fan:

 It is served fresh and chilled. The Durian is very fragrant and newly chilled, wrapped with freshly made Cheong Fan skin (we could see the chef preparing the skin with a big, simple machine), topped with ground peanuts and some sugar. It is so good.

Fried Rice with Salted Fish - mom's order. Simple yummy dish with some fresh prawns, and the nutrious goodness of the salted fish as salt-replacement.

Prawn Beancurd skin roll - too oily for my taste. The skin is fried crispy with a thin meat and some crunchy bits.

The winner is still the Cheong Fan. If I had more space in my tummy, I would have tried the traditional warm one.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...