24 April, 2011

Holiday Calls

Yesterday when I woke up, post-holiday at 745am. I started by checking my work inbox. Fortunately there was no emergencies but there was a big sweeping company-wide in regards to our review system and compensation. It will take me after I get back to understand the changes fully, but I see good things from my first look. I couldn't resist checking the company external blogspot and was interested and amazed to note how negative the reactions were. What is the limit to human's greed, no, I think it was more people are generally blinded to see only things that they wished to see. That colored objectivity even from some of the smartest people on the planet.

In this company, I have learned, experienced, grew so much. I continuously feel privileged to work with people so smart, so passionate, so politically-savvy. It is indescribable. But I can understand the sentiment.
As I grow mature, older, I felt the pressure of purse strings, of wants vs needs, social obligations, and the need to look and act successful. Such a pretence. Witness the poor people in Cambodia. The girls of 5-years old hawking the wares to tourists among Angkor Wat. I wonder whether they were schooled, or how good the schools are. Cambodian people are some of the warmest and hospitable people on the planet. Some of it came from the culture, some of it I believe stemmed from the good teaching of peaceful Buddhism. People are so warm, so polite, so willing to help, or just chat. Even if you don't buy the wares, the children were ready to be happy or play and have fun. See our tuk tuk driver, he came over after the first driver declined our haggle. He willingly provided free water bottles, took us on two side trips away from Siem Reap, took us happily, and didn't look up to check and count the monies when he dropped us at the airport- all that came at benefit of course (free meals for him as we ate at the main restaurant, which is the system there). But you can't help feeling that the warmth is genuine. The feeling is quite unlike when we were in Vietnam just this spring. After visiting the War Museum in Vietnam, both countries in Indochine had been scarred by wars - colonial French Imperialism past, warring kingdoms, and recent civil wars (Vietnam wars and the scourge of Rouge Khmer). But while Vietnam came away feeling as if the world (esp USA) owed them something for the backward and destruction, for justified reasons, Cambodia persevered with pride of their Angkor past and is taking the world with open arms. That are the main difference to the culture and attitude of the people. And I understand why tourist wants to stay in Siem Reap. While Ho Chi Minh's dusty city made people soaked in development and commercialism.

Back to topic of my work, I got sms and calls from China, NZ, Indonesia, Vietnam, and India. One in first day, 3 in second day, and 1 in third day. Not a bad record and not as bad as what I thought.

The holiday in Siem Reap was a balm to my soul, and provided an enjoyable family holiday. I am glad we made it smoothly.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...