Here are some results:
Durian, is a famous fruit in Southeast Asia region with its infamous foul yet loved smell and creamy centre. It is called the King of Fruit by locals here. It's kind of acquired smell, I have encountered people who loved it lots, or hated it a lot. Very extreme reactions. I for one love it. Especially those with sweet yellow creamy texture, and just chilled out of refrigerator.
Next is Mangosteen or "Manggis" in local language. I always thought it's word association with Mango is funny. Mangosteen, Mango. "Manggis" and "Mangga" for the two corresponding words in Bahasa Indonesia/Malay. Mangosteen is considered the "Queen of fruits" here. In fact there is a pub in Vivo called "The Queen and Mangosteen Gourmet Pub". Mangosteen has shiny dark purplish husk, with 4-5 digits of leaves at the head of the fruit. The flesh is beautiful white soft center, with a large seed. You kind of suck the juicy rather than eating the flesh. It has no smell, which makes a quiet comparison to the smelly Durian.
So a fruit stall with the King and Queen, ladies and gentlemen. It is also thought that it may be poisonous to eat both of these fruits at the same time. I don't know exact scientific reason why, but it may be good to just follow the local advice, afterall, both originated from same place. And the local must have developed local custom after some trial and error, right.