12 April, 2011

My Practice Shoot

Today I was so excited after getting my SLR.

Here is the first try.

Going straight from Chinatown Point, I went along exploring the South Bridge Road before heading to Maxwell for Rojak.

On my way, I passes Masjid Jamae - that is Jamae Mosque.

I passed by the gated - and took two quick snaps.

First image here on the left: has closer depth of field vs the picture at the bottom where the AF auto focus produces different effect.

However, both images are indicated from my Canon tool has having same ISO, aperture, and shutter speed... 1/10 4.0 ISO3200 Evaluative metering. Focal length 28mm. Why the different in focus?

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...