10 April, 2011


My Run Today

My first run today carried 2XU and Pocari Sweat branding title.

I did this for two small reasons and one big reason. 12KM is my first stretch target beyond the usual 10KM run, and that I love to try the compression Calf Guard. And it is on my brother's birthday - he loves running so we signed up together.

2XU (pronounced two-times-U) main products are claimed to be high-performance running/athlete for races and triathlons. They signed up offered runners with 2nd category of registration that comes with a pair of Calf Guard at $70, than $60 fee for just the race. I thought it is a good deal to try new runner's gadget :)

The Calf Guard comes as a pair. It is shaped like long socks with open ends at the ankles section. I tried twice when training on the treadmill. It holds very tightly the shape of the calf - actually the calves look very shapely and slim with that - it seemed to pull my lower legs together. My legs felt less sore than usual despite the heavy training.

Here is the official description:
2XU Calf Guard targeting the calf muscle - a major driver in venous return from your lower body, calf guards can be worn during competition or used simply as a recovery tool. With similar benefits to compression tights but in a smaller package, calf guards improve circulation and protect against leg fatigue and muscle soreness. Essential training and recovery tool for people who need extra support through their calf region.

If their main purpose is to promote compression outfits, this run has been very successful. Throughout the way, my brother has been contemplating whether to wear his calf guard. I advised him not to yet, since he has not been trying it prior to this particular race. When we arrived, the fields (baggage deposit is about 500m away from starting point - filled with sea of very fit looking people in the black running tees and quite a few outfitted in compression gears - tights, shorts, calf guard etc). I think 2XU does very well indeed this time.

I also tried Pocari Sweat instead of 100plus. Pocari Sweat is a Japanese brand, and it was more successful in Indo when I grew up. It is pleasantly refreshing, just right sweetness, but somehow it produces a bit of gas in my tummy initially. Perhaps it is adjustment period, as I felt it only in the first hydration point, and was fine afterwards. According to the nice little notes in the runner's entitlements, Pocari Sweat is ion drink, it has no artificial preservaties, sweeteners, soda, and caffeine. If true, it sounds promising and healthier indeed.

Overall cost today:-
Running + Calf Guard $70
Mio Heart PRO watch $69
Yakun post-run $4.40 I have been craving for proteins - yummy soft boiled egg
Sunday Times $.90

Result:- my newest 12KM finisher's medal yeah!

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...