02 May, 2011

National Museum of Singapore (NSM)

Singapore is having its Biennale. My first experience with Biennale had been at the 17th Sydney bien's last year 2010, which was insightful. I recall esp an exhibition, quietly disturbing about experiment with photos take by maids in HK with prop help from plastic grenades.

One of The exhibition venue is the National Museum of Singapore, having its open house on the May Day yesterday. Some of my shots below.

The History Gallery:
Maritime at pre-colonial & the settlement's discovery

Historical matchboxes

Brand from olden days, Ovaltine (fave of my aunt), Singers sewing machine (my mom still has an antique one at home), Pagoda, F&N...

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...