02 May, 2011

Museum Shots

Some of my favorite practice shots:

Rattan wickets and baskets at the History Gallery, NMS. 
Semi-auto mode 1/8 3.5f @ISO3200 Evaluative Metering, 21mm.

 Lo-Ho objects from recent past. 
The petromak lights (the version in museum were sadly lighted by electric bulbs), water pumps, kompor ijuk (stove stoked by the straws and gasoline), and the stone grinder.
Semi-auto with flash off. 1/25 3.5f ISO3200 18mm.

 "Food" exhibition. I liked this exhibition the most. 
This item is the ice-crusher that I used to see from my childhood days.
1/20 3.5f ISO3200 18mm

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...