11 March, 2018


4 step process "Creating Epic Thought List"
  1. Negative thought
  2. Are they real, are they something that has been bothering for long time
  3. Positive thought
  4. Anchor to path success .... back the positive idea. Make it real
front load ahead of time. so when we get challenge we can move quickly.

Stop caring for others think of me.

Negative thoughts:
  1. they won't like me because
  2. they will bypass me because 
  3. they will think I don't know my stuff
are they real or due to my insecurities. Stop caring about what others think of me.

positive thoughts:
  1. do my research. prepare what likely a person need to know. listen
  2. be present - nailing it
  3. my listening skill and ability to follow up has been proven success

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...