27 February, 2018


Landed in Milan, drove to Lake Maggiore. Chatted, had one on one, lunch by lake, and explored the summer town in frigid February. There is “Beast of the East” heading to Europe peolonging severe weather this winter. Before lunch I took a walk around the hotel Grand Dino, there is ferry operating that covers the lake. Beautiful and cold the town is with nobody around at the cobbled street. What a beautiful Lake Maggiore.

At evening, I slipped out of welcome reception around 7pm and headed to bed. Woke up at midnight due to guests returning to their hotel room, and had fitful sleep until 4am. Then jetlagged I changed to running gear only to be told that the gym at hotel opens at half-past-six. So now wide awake, I had a mediation practice and went to browse internet. Here is a nice article about Arianna Huffington’s Thrive program. Some wonderful quote I love:

“Another way to look at success is to measure how much energy you have at the end of the day to do the things you love.” – Golden Door GM, Brigid Welsh.

“Find problems you’re passionate about solving and help people solve them. If you can do that and find what your passion is, you’ll find yourself bouncing out of bed every day.” CEO of Hatching Lab, Christie Whitehill.

“We’ve got a saying at Golden Door that the best project you’ll ever work on is yourself.” – Brigid.

“Grateful people are better equipped to manage stress and experience fewer toxic emotions like resentment and envy.” – Joe.
“Service is the highest form of loving you can do on this planet” – Joe.
“There are many opportunities that people will give you if you just ask.” – Agapi.

“You have more cells in your body than stars in the galaxy. Take care of them.” – Agapi.

“Passion beats perfection. You can create passion wherever you are in life.” – Libby Babet.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...