26 February, 2018

Unexpected Delay

Some thing in life is just unexpected. As I am sitting on plane in tarmac of Istanbul airport.
I’ve never been to Istanbul. Although exotic, and I almost planned for transit here enroute to Helsinki for this year’s summer holiday. We are here due to emergency stop for a passenger, on way to Milan. The lady seemed of advanced age. Thankfully she is concious next to her gentlemanly husband. They are seated on the same row 32, as I am in Premium Economy. Two medical doctors onboard heeded call and spent hours caring for her. I can see their reassuring faces, gestures, as they move to calm patient and attend to her with oxygen mask.

So I am on window seat, next to left wing, and I can see the dark sky of Istanbul sky outside at 6am. Planes landing on runway just behind us.

Trips and all best plan is nothing compared to matter of lufe and death so what if we might miss a call or two or missed some connections. The probability of potentially, saving a life is precious.

I reflect on that as well as I see the anxious faces of the doctors, relieved, but also showing stress for first time. Now that the patient is in better care in land of Istanbul staff.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...