23 July, 2011

My Shape Run

Yesterday, I went thru the 30-minutes inventory routine.

Started at 6:33pm, as I was enjoying (late) lunch at Tampopo Liang Court. Spent time traversing Spice street of the Singapore Food Festival. Sure there was kebab, spices, laksa, some thai, tourist popiah, some taiwanese fares, but... something lacking. Until I crossed Clarke Quay, arrived at Liang Court.

At the ground floor, was Tampopo, Kurobota (black pig specialist). Promptly I checked the menu, and found its signature dishes. Tonkatsu - which is the breaded fillet, typically pork, served on hot short-grained rice, and heaps of cabbage. Both latter were free-flow. I had two plates each, pipping hot rice, and cabbage (best garnished with sesame oil that the waiter would bring out customarily). I ordered the premium BP (Black Pig or Kurobuta) Premium Tonkatsu set. The layer of "black" meat and white flesh were distinguisable! Yummy.

Highly recommended. The whole place was run by Singlish speaking Singaporean and throngs of Mainland Chinese waiters though.. hmm. Supposedly best Pork Cutlet (Kurobuta Katsu set) in Singapore arguably. I for sure enjoyed the meal. :) Here's the link to their funky website...

Then I counted, 30 mins Meidiya shopping, 30 mins Kinokuniya browsing, roughly 30 mins walk home. Then manga reading for 90 mins! I would slept soundly until the morning Shape 2011 run! Flag off time at 710am, promised XJ to meet at 640... so I am having headache. I hope for good run.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...