30 July, 2011

Audit of my achievements

I went down for drinks then party yesterday. Woke up at 8am promptly without alarm - amazing.

Doing "audit" of my 2009 commitments - personal goal right now. As I am feeling empty, aimless, and lost. Perhaps I had been concentrating hard on certain aspects and neglecting others.

Audit results:
Scorecard metrics: 10 green (mostly exceeding by a mile), 1 yellow, 4 red (hmm not too shabby)
Red in love, well-being, social work and intellectual pursuit.

I am perfectionist. I do things I focused on, and do them extremely well - depth, but overkill sometimes. Well I am overachiever. I guess the lesson is I have to focus on just a couple of things, and set high goals, coz I will exceed them :)

Focus and High Goal.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...