16 July, 2011

Happy July

It's been a while since I had the time and interesting content to update this blog. Many eventful stuff happens erstwhile.

June mostly inudiated with work. Emotional june, leading the closure. Year end drink parties... and stressful cases.

July comes and I felt mixed. A big relief mostly awashed with apprehension. Org changes, new HC, and roller-coaster feeling when I realized a post on June 30. I am no doubt slightly worried, and disappointed even mirrors largely my thinking. Mostly I am more at peace, now. Reset of expectations would be good. Emotional, needing to move on, and grow in other aspects of my life. Heath, eating, exercising, thinking about taking some advanced education, or simply hobby, spend more time in social networks, loving, and enjoying life. Perhaps cooking, travelling, or some new hobby. I don't know. Or volunteering social, overseas, or political. Take up energy levels to pursue my life.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...