13 July, 2021

Therapist Uncensored

 Recently I love learning podcast, especially some of very interesting one such as Ear Biscuits and Therapist Uncensored. The podcast explored relationship, attachment, and therapy.

The podcast I am listening now is about Attachment Avoidance and Difficulty Opening Up: trauma, avoidance with Robert T. Mueller. It talks about Avoidance as solution and self-deception, as well as how trauma shows up in our relationship, our childhood experiences, and that sometimes multiple trauma system interlocks. With Sue Marriott LCSW, CGP and Ann Kelley PhD. 

Sometimes working it out, while sitting with discomfort, and taking personal risk in safe environment.

I then recall some strong emotion for example, whether in terms on how my parents communicate to each other, or shows disagreement, or resolve conflict. Or in terms on my relationship with my ex-housemates at the end of my university years, and whether I have a lot of unresolved anger and fear in my heart about relationship. Or about my relationship with my ex-boyfriends, or with my ex-colleagues.

Does my past relationship make me just throw past relationship behind, and move on?

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...