11 July, 2021

First fine dining out meal after June2021 semi-lock down

Finally, after 6 weeks of semi-lock down, I met up with AP for Japanese dinner. Been looking forward to this catch up! Last time we gathered for yakitori & izakaya-theme dinner at Yatagarasu for mine's and Ming's birthday celebration and the country went to lock-down prohibiting dining out when we were going to celebrate AP's birthday.

Sakemaru Artisan sake hideout is a nice place, even nicer now with spacious bubble around each dining group. We chose seats at counter, which is the best as we can see the chef in action! There are humongous display fridges lining up both sides of entrances full of sake selections, each with small accompanying notes.

As part of our mission to elevate the global standards of Saké, the SAKEMARU Artisan Sake Hideout is a concept dining experience to showcase our extensive range of exclusive artisanal Saké alongside modern Japanese Kappo-style cuisine here in Singapore.

The menu is interesting. The opening salvo was a raw-fish-in-season-that-i-forgot-the-name (shult?) that came seared perfectly with brown rich.

Firefly squid as starter: Seasoned well, and seared to perfection, the bite-sized squid came with tomatoes and mushroom all   

The fig mascarpone was unfortunately out of stock, but somehow the chef sent a complimentary order perhaps because detecting our disappointment when the hokkaido corn was also out of stock! Likely, out of his omakase supply :)

The fish somen was exquisite, it's light and the jelly-like broth complement the somen with fresh roe.

The best is ama-ebi which came large size, with raw golden egg yolk with soy-like sauce.

For main, we ordered simmered tender beef tongue. It came with squid-ink sauce, and tongue so tender, I didn't believe it's the body part. Unfortunately the taste is a bit bland, perhaps a bit overcooked?

For sake, we had a charafe of Kasaichiyo casareccio Omachi 50, which I enjoyed a lot. It is perfect as starter sake and has a pleasant floral like aroma. It goes down well especially with sashimi and light dishes.

We then ordered a bottle of Shirakiku Mirror Mirror Muraku Genshu, an Honjozo Junmai. It is a new conceptual sake made of apple yeast and black koji. Thus has a sourish taste, but goes down pleasant and dry. My friend spotted Shuhari which we would like to try - it's rare artisan sake from Okamoto village Yamadashiki Usunigori Nama.

Overall, I remember the chat, gossip with one of my bestest, and wisest friend in the world. We talked about our own blind spot, pacing in life and career, and shared some anecdotes about experiences working in different environment with slower pace, and about enterprise business applications.

Looking forward to next catch up!

A tremendous sense of gratitude for the night out.


Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...