21 December, 2013

Marketing stuff

As we are closing the year, you start to receive interesting marketing mails for organization. One of it that I like is SPG Year In Review, that I think is pretty cool. It gave a piechart snapshot on my Starwood activities.

It recognizes, that I stayed the most in the Westin brand of this membership. Talk about its crossover promo with Delta airlines (I earned merely 1,800 miles) while the top earner was 120k points... It recommend some hotels around the region I'm in, and encourage me to explore more of the Westin hotels in advance.

Very innovative cross-sell and upsell campaign. Well done SPG. SPG is the award program name for the Starwood group of hotels.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...