21 March, 2012

World's Most Ethical Companies

I am proud and feel also vindicated that the company I work for made it to the list of WME.
http://ethisphere.com/wme/. I know, sometimes such a list need to be reviewed with pinch of salt. but I am proud of this one, because in more occassions that I said out loud, I am continously astounded by how ethical we are - we as in the org. In terms of the way we conduct the business, formulate the policies, how hard and strict we view each suspicion of wrongful business conduct.

I am proud of that. Of working for a company like this. Of spending my efforts, time, energy and potential to at least valuable and integrity.

The company is of course not perfect. Even day by day I wonder listlessly in terms of my long term goal. But this is a small exciting news that I want to share, and capture on this blog.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...