07 August, 2011

Captain America

Today had productive day. I went to mass, first time at the Church of St. Teresa - Kg Bahru Rd. I love the songs - the same set one from the Church of St Mary of the Angels. Oh how my heart signs with joy. The mass there at 1030 and another one at 12pm for now.

Then, went for quick lunch before catching the Captain America: the First Avenger. Chris Evans is so very cute and heart-meltingly sincere. It was an entertaining ride thru American patriotism, the WW II and the crazy warzone fighting. The scene I most enjoyed is the first part - with the frail little boy and his journey of discovering his fate. The rest felt right, but also predictable. You should not miss the clip after the ending credits - we almost left, luckily we didn't. I read somewhere that the hallmark of Marvel comic is the great character developments and plots. I have to agree on the way the director Joe Johnston portrayed the movie - from a pretty outdated settings at WW II to the modern day's patriotism and valor.

Thumbs up. Captain America: the First Avenger is showing this week in major cinema. Stars Chris Evans (Captain American), Hugo Weaving (Johan Schmidt), Tommy Lee Jones (Colones Chester Philips), Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter), Stanley Tucci (Prof Abraham Erskine), Sebastian Stan (Bucky Jones) and Dominic Cooper (Howard Stark).

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...