27 April, 2024

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or simply looking at existing or mundane with fresh eyes.

I hope to be able to share with others, to enrich the life and perspective. For my own as well as for others.

22 February, 2024

My 1-year Sabbatical journey

A year-long sabbatical is a fantastic opportunity to refresh yourself and explore what truly sparks joy and meaning in your life. Here are some suggestions for meaningful activities you could consider, categorized by different themes:

Personal Growth and Learning:

Take a deep dive into a passion project: Have you always dreamed of writing a novel, learning a new language, or mastering a musical instrument? Now's the perfect time to dedicate yourself to a personal passion.

Travel and immerse yourself in new cultures: Explore different countries, volunteer abroad, or participate in cultural exchange programs to broaden your perspectives.

Attend workshops and courses: Sign up for online or in-person workshops related to your personal interests, professional development, or even just for fun.

Practice mindfulness and self-care: Prioritize your physical and mental well-being through meditation, yoga, spending time in nature, or pursuing hobbies you find relaxing.

Giving Back and Connecting with Others:

Volunteer your time and skills: Donate your time to a cause you care about, whether it's environmental protection, animal welfare, or supporting local communities.

Connect with old friends and family: Reconnect with loved ones you haven't seen in a while, plan reunions, or travel to visit them.

Join a club or community group: Find like-minded individuals who share your interests and passions, which can lead to new friendships and exciting experiences.

Mentor or coach others: Share your knowledge and experience with younger professionals or individuals new to a field you're familiar with.

Adventure and Exploration:

Embark on a solo adventure: Go backpacking, take a road trip, or participate in a challenging physical activity that pushes you outside your comfort zone.

Learn a new outdoor skill: Take up hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, or any other activity that allows you to enjoy and explore nature.

Try something completely new: Step outside your comfort zone and try something you've always wanted to do, whether it's skydiving, learning to fly, or attending a music festival.

Challenge yourself creatively: Participate in an art competition, write a short story, or create a piece of music to express yourself creatively.

Remember, the key to a meaningful sabbatical is to personalize it to your unique interests and needs. Don't be afraid to experiment, step outside your comfort zone, and embrace new experiences. This is your time to reconnect with yourself, explore your passions, and discover what truly brings you joy and fulfillment.

I hope these suggestions inspire you to create a truly enriching and memorable sabbatical year!

19 February, 2024

The mermaid and the Minatour

I chanced upon this work by the late Dr Dorothy Dinnerstein, as I was reading about strategy and leadership. Published in 1976, the current beautiful National Library Board in Singapore no longer carry the book. This book was a well known body of work, listed in one of the top 10 book list of Gloria Steinem, a noted American feminist, as a pioneering well-researched book about the sexual arrangement that underlies the "maladies of society".

I shall update again when i managed to get my hold on the book. But here is the link and excerpt from a well-written commentaries from New York Times staff Vivian Gornick when the book was published in 1976. 

On a side note, how wonderful of digitization of the New York Times that archives the old newspaper articles of this media institiution.

22 October, 2023

Dead sea mud mask

 Coming back home, I noticed my skin, even though it's tanned, is much smoother, brighter, and more importantly, firmer. Tracing my photos, I truly believe that it is combination of holiday, healthy Mediteranean food, and the amazing quality of Dead Sea Mud mask.

Here I am lathered fully in the original Dead Sea black mud by Kayla beach.


Tremendous loss of human live -start of War

On October 7, 2023, I woke up to a peaceful morning in Tel Aviv, Israel. After making a quick breakfast at our rental AirBNB, I flipped through Netflix being unfamiliar to the unit as we have just arrived back to Tel Aviv after a few days in Jerusalem. The Crown episodes were on season 2 and Olivia Colman's face mimicking the Queen, commented about how she was entering the middle age for woman.

Announcements in Hebrew language flickered across the page, annoying appearing every few mins. I dismissed them as notice being new to the TV and the foreign languages as I continued to catch up on the episodes. My brother woke-up around 9am, and we started wondering about proper brunch on a Shabbat day that is also a major Simchat Torah holiday. That's the reason we returned to Tel Aviv, figuring out that the options would have been much better being in Shabbat in this fun city. Indeed, the night before we hung out at one of the restaurant/bar/art gallery that my Israeli friend recommended around Jaffa area, caught the sunset and walked back leisurely.

I started checking the news of the day, and surprised to see the news about Hamas attack. What??!

We quickly flipped to the news current affair channel, and found CNN. It turned out that those notices on TV were from Israeli Home Defense Front that is responsible for civic defense, annoucing the wave of attack. They were still trying to understand the scope of situation. The casualty count though started from 1, then to 8, and creeps up. 

We decided that since I have been awake for hours, I should venture out and get food and maybe to find some supermarket that is open so we can get some fruits and food. I strolled to immediate vicinity of our apartment on Eliat road. The Neve Tsedek neighbourhood was peaceful, a few kids were playing on the field. Morning sun was shining, really beautiful and peaceful weekend morning.

I bumped into a group and two groups of tourists with Asian faces. After saying friendly 'good morning' it is clear that they have just arrived and settling in to this artsy and nice neighbourhood. Even though it is adjacent to the Levinsky market area that we stayed at last week, the vibe is really different. I strolled silently through the silent street. Encountered a family outside the Dalia bakery 'Ah, must be a family business since they sit around outside their famous bakery and restaurant, their faces was stoic but I paid no attention since that's how faces of people in this Middle Eastern area, I have learned. They might be friendly, and willing to help, but they just don't showed it on their faces, any smiles or pleasures...

I checked my GPS, and passed a small street where a group of four were gathering, on the road chatting. I checked the path towards the beach, then turned back. I was trying to get a Jhanuk place that has a good review. As it was a traditional jewish food eaten on a Shabbat morning, I thought it would be a fitting food to try on this holiday morning.

I wonder around, until finally the guy on the group, turned and said "We are selling Jyanuk here".

"Ah, perfect, I am looking for your place."

He gestured towards an open door, which leads the living room of a living quarter, complete with a table with a pot of Jyanuk and condiments.

"Did you know what's happening here?"

I was shocked a little bit, not expecting this small talk that immediately referred to the news.

"Um, yes we saw.."

"It is really bad. The situation, people were shooting at our soldiers. It's better to get some food and just stay indoor whole day."

I thanked him for his advice. He then asked whether I know what food I am getting. I affirmed and then briskly went about my way, pondering what just happened. I wondered whether the situation is really that bad, but the locals seemed to think it is VERY bad and they are supposed to know that their land is unstable.. hmm. I was engrossed in my thoughts that I forgotten to comment on the book Ikigai on the sofa of the food seller, 'I had the same exact book and had gifted it to people for Christmas..'.

I walked quickly making circous route, as I started to figure that it is better to follow his advice and stock on some food. I spotted a few hummus restaurant, which I started to like during my stay, and walked there. The streets are empty. I don't know how it is like on Saturday morning on a typical Shabbat day but I certainly encountered less than 10 people in 20 mins on the street.

The middle-eastern guys were standing around outside the hummus restaurant. They look somehow harried. It is clear that the restaurant is not really open, the tables and chairs were stacked up.

"I want to buy some hummus, yes, for takeaway".

The guy who is best in English, took my order and gave instructions to his friends/family members. Three of them started preparing, and I declined falafel upside. Satisfied that I have a warm plate of takeaway hummus, I started hunting for Supermarket.

After a few rounds, I found Green supermarket, which we found to be generally high in price, but it is open and it is just next to the station. I started to ogle at the fresh avocado, mushroom, and eggs. Outside, a sirene rang and I quickly grabbed items I wanted. Moments later, a loud boom of rocket can be heard. I started to hear a group chatting around the cashier. 

A gentleman with dark skin got a phone call immediately, and he started almost shouting into his phone, "Don't panic, listen to me. Everything will be okay." Immediately, I did not quite understand the hysteria that started to form.

"That'll be 97 shekkels. There is no shelter around here...". the cashier commented to me while shaking her head.

I thought about the fact that she has to manned the supermarket on this holiday morning, during this dangerous time with no shelter around, and said "Take care of yourselves."

"Thanks, you take care too."

I quickly hurried back to the apartment, and share the news of my morning venture to my brother.

Sunset in Jaffa on October 6, 2023

Beautiful Neve Tsedek neighbourhood on the morning walk

The empty Hummus restaurant

26 September, 2023

52 Travel inspirations

New York Times 52 Places to Go in 2023

Original article

1. London

2. Morioka, Japan

3. Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park

4. Kilmartin Glen, Scotland

5. Auckland, New Zealand

6. Palm Springs, California

7. Kangaroo Island, Australia

8. Vjosa River, Albania

9. Accra, Ghana

10. Tromso, Norway

11. Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Brazil

12. Bhutan

13. Kerala, India

14. Greenville, South Carolina

15. Tucson, Arizona

16. Martinique

17. The Namib Desert, Southern Africa

18. The Alaska Railroad

19. Fukuoka, Japan

20. Flores, Indonesia

21. Guadalajara, Mexico

22. Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria

23. Kakheti, Georgia

24. Nîmes, France

25. Ha Giang, Vietnam

26. Salalah, Oman

27. Cuba

28. Odense, Denmark

29. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Australia

30. Boquete, Panama

31. Tarragona, Spain

32. Charleston, South Carolina

33. Cayos Cochinos, Honduras

34. Burgundy Beer Trail, France

35. Istanbul

36. Taipei, Taiwan

37. El Poblado, Medellín, Colombia

38. Lausanne, Switzerland

39. Methana, Greece

40. Louisville, Kentucky

41. Manaus, Brazil

42. Vilnius, Lithuania

43. Macon, Georgia

44. Madrid

45. Grand Junction, Colorado

46. La Guajira, Colombia

47. Bergamo and Brescia, Italy

48. American Prairie, Montana

49. Eastern Townships, Quebec

50. New Haven, Connecticut

51. The Black Hills, South Dakota

52. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cities in 2022 list includes Queens (NY), Kyoto. In 2021 (mid of Covid), inspiring place includes Camino de Santiago, Hokkaido, and the World :)

12 September, 2023

September 2023 Gratitude post

After reading this tip from a 95-year grandpa who writes short blog everyday, as well as a 68-year-old who went for 30-days silent retreat, and one of the points is about writing, I wanted to start this blog complaining about the conversation I had today with my manager as well as the stress in the last 30 days about Papa's health.

But, in a second, my mind did a quick turn around, when I read about gratitude. Instead of complaining, I am very grateful of a lot of things that happened to me and in my life.

I am grateful for my mom, who is strong, active, energetic and immediately supportive when I told her about my work troubles yesterday. Clearly she has been worried about my state of mental health being in the last 2 weeks.

I am grateful for my brother, who is also very supportive yesterday. He invited me to join a weekend party with his friends and network.

I am grateful for my other brother, and that he and his family are successful and they are blessed with two wonderful daughters. I am proud of how successful he is in both family and in business.

I am grateful for our extended family who is caring, and thoughtful about Papa's health. They called multiple times a day in the last 3 weeks of Papa's diagnosis, operations, multiple hospitalizations, and even host my Papa and Mom for 3 weeks in Taiwan.

I am grateful that Papa is alive and is able to celebrate his 74th's birthday on Saturday and today.

I am grateful to be blessed with good health, physical comforts, and wealth generated at relatively young age.

I am grateful to be surrounded by many supportive people who guided me in career, spiritually, and in spirit.

I am grateful to Buddha who teaches the blessings and wishes peace and happiness for all beings.

I am grateful to be alive and healthy today and able to live a fruitful live.

14 July, 2023

Tokyo Disneyland

 Wonderful park, worthy of label that many on the net called the best park in the world.

The day is a breeze, starting with around 8am where crowd has gathered at park entrance, in full swings complete with Disney shirts, outfits, Mickey and Minnie head bands, bags, accessories, and etc. Japanese crowds are really lot of fun.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...