12 September, 2023

September 2023 Gratitude post

After reading this tip from a 95-year grandpa who writes short blog everyday, as well as a 68-year-old who went for 30-days silent retreat, and one of the points is about writing, I wanted to start this blog complaining about the conversation I had today with my manager as well as the stress in the last 30 days about Papa's health.

But, in a second, my mind did a quick turn around, when I read about gratitude. Instead of complaining, I am very grateful of a lot of things that happened to me and in my life.

I am grateful for my mom, who is strong, active, energetic and immediately supportive when I told her about my work troubles yesterday. Clearly she has been worried about my state of mental health being in the last 2 weeks.

I am grateful for my brother, who is also very supportive yesterday. He invited me to join a weekend party with his friends and network.

I am grateful for my other brother, and that he and his family are successful and they are blessed with two wonderful daughters. I am proud of how successful he is in both family and in business.

I am grateful for our extended family who is caring, and thoughtful about Papa's health. They called multiple times a day in the last 3 weeks of Papa's diagnosis, operations, multiple hospitalizations, and even host my Papa and Mom for 3 weeks in Taiwan.

I am grateful that Papa is alive and is able to celebrate his 74th's birthday on Saturday and today.

I am grateful to be blessed with good health, physical comforts, and wealth generated at relatively young age.

I am grateful to be surrounded by many supportive people who guided me in career, spiritually, and in spirit.

I am grateful to Buddha who teaches the blessings and wishes peace and happiness for all beings.

I am grateful to be alive and healthy today and able to live a fruitful live.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...