19 February, 2024

The mermaid and the Minatour

I chanced upon this work by the late Dr Dorothy Dinnerstein, as I was reading about strategy and leadership. Published in 1976, the current beautiful National Library Board in Singapore no longer carry the book. This book was a well known body of work, listed in one of the top 10 book list of Gloria Steinem, a noted American feminist, as a pioneering well-researched book about the sexual arrangement that underlies the "maladies of society".

I shall update again when i managed to get my hold on the book. But here is the link and excerpt from a well-written commentaries from New York Times staff Vivian Gornick when the book was published in 1976. 

On a side note, how wonderful of digitization of the New York Times that archives the old newspaper articles of this media institiution.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...