30 October, 2022

Rainy nights

Hujan rintik-rintik is expression in Indonesian meaning rainy days. 

I love being at home at night with rain falling around the house. It created an illusion that our house is a sole sanctuary. Cooling air. Peaceful and ever so quiet. Nothing can penetrate the serenity...

I always love this feeling as a child. 

Alone in my room, looking out the window. 

Barely can see anything beyond a few meters of rain curtain.

The white noise and soothing sounds of rain falling on the ground.

Feeding the ground to be fertile again tomorrow.

Tomorrow when we wake up in a bright new day.

Bright new days sunny and full of hope.

29 October, 2022

Mizuki: Good tempura

A beautiful place at Ngee Ann place.

 The opener, pumpkin tofu with jelly is refreshing.

The tempura chef bought us the fresh ingredients before start cooking.

12 October, 2022

ROX Ragnarok Online Next Gen

 I spent a good part of my 2021, playing online RPG game ROX. 

Met a good community in Singapore, especially with my guild SG Forsaken.

Had argument (big one) in the chatting channel.

Met a few times over meals and ice cream with my guildmates.

Funny memory of "lucoa" getting non-sensical crystal during the gacha (after a terrible lifeshow dancing), was always hysterical.

The gathering of the old "uncle" like is funny.

I sat on my eyebrow embroidery, chatting with "aurice" who was trying to make people guessed his age. We said he is eighty, like a grandpa.

the casual flirtation with Chris, xiaogou, and with Faerion, syen, and fake-female Alice, PH gamers.

For now, I just want to recall the memory which seemed to start to fade away since I quit the game in June 2022.

In memory of Lucky

Memory and time sometimes is a scary and yet healing things. Given time, even the deepest wound can  heal. But you are often left with reminiscing the gentle memory of wonderful moments, and often we have the urge to collect them and secure them in a mental box, hoping to preserve it.

Today I want to remember Lucky, our first female robovski "robo" hamster. Agouti in color, H adopted Lucky during the depth of pandemic in April 2020. Her cuteness was beyond compare, and observing her antics kept us entertained during Singapore lockdown and subsquent time. 

Lucky was like ninja, she mysteriously scaled the walls of her enclosure, often find herself wedged in gaps between boxes, or even running around at our living room tamely. She in fact, scaled the wall, and somehow jumped to ManMan's enclosure barely a week or so ManMan being adopted. The mystery we have not solved even to this day. Since she and ManMan were united, she stopped her escapade.

Lucky was skittery at first, similar to typical temparent of robo drawf hamster. But soon enough, she was very comfortable with human touch. Jumping up and down H's thigh when he played with her every morning and evening. 

Lucky's favorite spot was being caress just over her neck, and she would contentedly sit and allowed herself to be pet.

Lucky loved mealworm and hazelnut. She had a very strong sense of edible and healthy food, including a good chunk of egg yolk. Lucky can peel sunflower and pumpkin seeds leaving a perfectly cutout shells.

Lucky survived until 5th October 2022 when I was away at business trip in San Fransisco. The week before I left for my trip, Lucky rested her head on my hand when I was trying to feed her, and feel asleep on my finger. I felt so sorry for seeing her weakened state as she appeared to be blind and limping through her enclosure. She also started losing her fur, starting from her head creating a bald patch, but later on past her 2 years of age, started to spread to the right side of her body. She also often shivered during her sleep, and often found herself looking for ManMan as sleeping companion, potentially for both warmth and comfort.

I am trying to console myself that Lucky has lived through a wonderful 2.5 years of life, in hamster age 140 years old, and was well loved. She would not have to suffer through the old age any longer. And yet of course, me, H, and my mom were sad about this loss. Mom even dreamt about Lucky again this week, and especially touched by her presence.

Rest in Peace, Lucky. Thank you for being a cute, wonderful pet of yours.

Lucky ~ March 26, 2020- 5th October 2022. 


Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...