14 January, 2021

Nainai's Death Anniversary

 Today in conversation, it came up that today's is Nainai's death anniversary. Nainai is Chinese term for the mother of my father, my grandma from father's side. We also called Nainai, A Ma. It must have been 25 years or so since A Ma's passed on. 

In Hokkien tradition, we call the day "cho ki", or remembrance. Remembering death anniversary normally started when the person passed on. Instead of celebrating the birthday, when the person lived, the tradition is to start "celebrating" the death anniversary as the day to remember the deceased on the day to start the new chapter in circle of life.

I am googling what the tradition normally does on such a day. I remember we would cook a feast and remember the loved one to pass the day.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...