30 December, 2020

Leap of Faith

I dreamed that I was a little girl, standing on the edge of precipitance, staring into wide expense of bright lights dotted with greeneries, buildings, houses, and green field of the earth. A wide unknown yet it beckons.

Since young, I have always been terrified yet slightly excited at the prospect of a jump. When I leap and my feet couldn't find a firm foundation. The feeling of not being grounded without a safety net.

This is the feeling that I have right now. When finally, the reality, that I am leaving a company that I have toiled in for 11 years, sinks in. Acceptance of reality brings calm and peaceful state of mind.

I guess I had still be in denial and negotiation. But finally, today, the day before New Year's eve and my last day of employment, I accept this reality.

It is scary to not feeling like I have a safety net. That everything under my feet is unclear and unstable. Yet I am also equally terribly excited, and terribly nervous of the prospect of what there is to come.

Too long that I have felt cozy and safe. It is time again to leap into the unknown. And grab the best opportunities that I encounter. Only this time, I know what I want the best. And while I am on the way there, I am going to enjoy every moments of this journey of life.


Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...