06 November, 2018

Positive mindset

This morning at breakfast, I saw whatsapp messages that made me sad again. My team prepared farewell gift to Simon and there were postings about him receiving the gift and at display at his home.
I was disturbed throughout the day. Did not bother analyzing why but tried very hard to acknowledge the feeling and try to be detached by it. It is hard. Easier said than done. Took mom exploring Hyde Park after meeting chatty waiter from Indonesia at Sheraton breakfast. Went to explore ANZAC memorial and traverse along Park street to take photos at Australian museum and St Mary’s Cathedral. Then rushed back to hotel for a bio break and ended up at level 21 Club lounge. Post resting we tooknoff to Intercontinental Double Bay, a classy hotel at suburb. Crowds were gathering as we realize it’s the day of Melbourne Cup, the race that stops the nation. Cross Counter a dark horse won. We walked around neighbourhood and bought our lunch at Coles. Then checked in, after my shot at 5:07 we took off around 6:30 for a beach stroll at nearby sand strip. A beautiful and quiet stroll that took my mind away from sadness and melancoly. I know it is ok to have feelings. I know this is a move towards better. Just sometimes it is hard. Hard to have courage to change things that I can and ought to change. Serenity to accept things that I can’t change. And wisdom to know the difference.

What’s positive today:
Reading. Be wiser and be reminded.
That I have mom right by my side.
That nature, sun, sand and sea is so beautiful and everlasting.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...