26 December, 2017

Boxing Day, Nostalgia and Illness

Spent this morning cleaning up my CD archive. The time spent during my university holiday at the computer center collecting anime episodes and mangascans. Wow - what amount of time spent labelling, copying, downloading, and burning those CDs. After 15 years, most of those CDs are corrupted. Thanks to my prodigious labelling (with color-matching markers!) I was able to skip through the CDs after my dear bro reminded me "Why?" and after the initial batch of copying and failing reading.

I also found some nostalgic files, such as, lame 90's songs belonging to A1 and Backstreet Boys. Songs which I lamely still adored, by the way. Also faded cringe-worthy photos of my awkward youth. There is one particularly memorable during bad make-up Indonesia prom-nite in 2003.

Most of the time, listening to mom complaining about, or rather commenting bluntly about her relatives. We are so worried these days about 4i's eldest son, Jensen. He was diagnosed with cancer stage 4, already attacking his nerve. Avoiding chemo, he was now seeing the shaman who is my cousin in the family, and there was a conflict when he recently discovered blood in his urine... So worrying. His health is an example of period of realization for me, when I was busy travelling for work, jeopardizing my health, but also made me unavailable to my family even when they were in Singapore. Imagine the regret if I never ever see him again. He is so young, 5 years younger with 2 very young sons and such a world ahead of him.

So there, my true feeling. Like speaking to myself, when I felt this way when peeking on diary that I found through those disks, of myself talking in the diary in 2003 at SMA, around fourteen years ago.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...