10 October, 2014

Learning Chinese

Based on my (layman) theory, facial expression and language spoken have strong influences on people's face due muscle development. So to my surprise, I am now known as looking like "Filipino" due to my non-Chinese face, and thought to be "Indonesian" due to my non-Chinese surname.

To uncover back my heritage route, I decided to learn Chinese, or rather continue my lessons on the long-lost language (to me). There are a couple of options for learning Chinese for professionals in Singapore. My preference and feedbacks:

NUS Extension, the arm for continuous education organized by NUS (National University of Singapore). The class is generally well attended by foreign professionals, taught by native speaker, and have a good curriculum and class progression from beginners. Generally each module is 4-5 months long, twice a week at weekday nights.
(now this has program has been discontinued).

Some online courses or tuition classes. You can try searching here for language courses.

I also found some interesting courses, organized in China/Beijing.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...