10 May, 2013

My friday break

I was feeling overwhelmed at work so rather than losing my temper and cool, I decided to take a short 1-day break. I went to anti-stress massage at Bodywellness my usual spa place, and went for a nice stroll among the Duxton Hill. It was very nice to be walking around 130pm, the weather was beautifully blue sky and found a number of places. I was apprehensive about having lunch on my own, but what the heck - I was hungry. I finally settled on a place called Mozarella - in hindsight a beautiful Italian bar and restaurant. I ordered tomato soup, the oh-so-tender Lamb shanks, capped with affogato served with super strong Italian expresso. Beautiful

the scenic duxton hill

affogato with vanilla ice cream. I love this version,
the vanilla was beautiful with a tinge of tangerine

I then hungout at the Loft, where it was very quiet and peaceful. I'll remember to go back to the Group Therapy place next time, but I most probably would feel misplaced with a loner here. In the afternoon, I peeked at my work inbox and was cheered by a lovely message. *loved*

40 Duxton Hill
Singapore 089618

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...