12 May, 2013

Energizer Trail Run

Saturday morning! I went to get ready for the first Energizer Trail run Singapore! That I am joining. It is organized at one of the NS-men camp, at lorong Asrama, which after searching on the streetdirectory map, is normally off-limit for normal civilians. (later confirmed by the MC of the event too!).

It was a very hot and humid day. The weather was pent-up with the rain that almost drizzle (luckily it didn't for the sake of thousands of runners with kids who were looking forward for the event). I arrived at 230pm after various arguments with Mom, whom I dragged and whom is energetic enough to accompany me to the event. My mom is so adorable.

The Energizer 2013 race route and obstacles


Results, until now (10pm Sunday) is not yet posted. But it was tiring man! the trail was uneven, as anticipated, made up of sandy and rocky trail but also some parts among the grassy terrain, and part make-up desert. The obstacle were fun, but I wished I trained up a little bit.

They let us in in a group of 12, and soon my group mates were running like crazy so competitively. Majority of runners are young men, with kids and teenagers making up most majority. The gungho runners meanwhile was joining the night trail run which is 6km, 12km and 18km. Flag-off time of 2015, 1945, and 1915 respectively. Wow how fun.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...