22 July, 2012

The Dark Knight Rises

Dark Knight Rises

The third-movie of the Dark Knight trilogy is intense, dark, but also realistic. I feel that most part of the movie is very fast-paced, sometimes felt rushed in terms of most of the scenes. So it's exciting but takes a while to digest all the things that are happening with multiple villains and frenemies. The themes however is very relevant to concerns today about the decaying moral of modern society, the have- and have-nots clashes, and various urges of the powerful characters whether to cleanse, defend, forgive, punish, or to trust.

I love Christian Bale's portrayal of Batman, he is egoless outside of the custome, and dark menacing inside the custome so you always feel such that his character is reigning in something immense. Anne Hathaway's Selina Kyle is alluring, cunning, and street-smart. She is lovely and unsettling as the feline character. I love Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman as the supporting Gentlemen of the Batman ensemble. Marion Coutillard is so lovely and fully composed as Miranda Tate. Joseph Gordon-Lewitt feels familiar (a number of characters from Christopher Nolan's Inception) as tough police-detective and finally Tom Hardy portrayal as Bane is evil and chillingly scary.

Go the Goodness and Hope!

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...