30 May, 2012

Lady gaga concert in Singapore

A couple of girls and I went to concert in Singapore. 3 nights sold-out, and we went for the first day. Standing ticket - so fun!

Amazing energy and showmanship. Also great personal touch and real showcase of dancing, energy, and also controversial message. Checkout her full tour schedule across Asia. This is still followed by 2 weeks in Auckland, New Zealand and every major cities in Australia.

It's amazing that the concert started at 830+ (after one-hour of waiting and bad organizing in the Singapore venue first day), and by 1030ish the audience energy is waning. While the singer is still so energetic, so its appaling that the encore shout is weak, and some people seen left the venue already! That's the reason the concert organizer decided to run both encores consecutively to end the day.

26 May, 2012

Vinegar drink

Japanese seems to like healthy and natural food. One of which that caught my attention is the 2 vinegar mixes (Honey or Berry) served at breakfast buffet. It came with instruction that the proper way of drinking it is to mix vinegar to fresh milk with 1:4 ratio.

The resulting drink is sour and sweet, not unlike yoghurt. Enchanted I had my eyes on any of these vinegar culture on sale outside. On my last day luckily, I chanced upon Food section at Mitsukoshi at Ginza at B2. There brand is VISS 1882 launched by Japanese famous vinegar specialist, Imazuya. I was lucky too as the store was apparently the only one in Tokyo, and I found it by chance ;-)

There's interesting mixes available. The most popular one is Apple-mix, followed by Grape then Passion fruit.

03 May, 2012

De Clutter

I fell ill badly after catching cold on Monday night. Today I am on medical leave. My body lethargic but my mind is restless and distracted by the cold.

I threw away the half-progressing beautiful Lily flowers that I was trying to dry. They were turning brown from the pure white it was. What a shame. The most beautiful flowers remain to be living ones, although no body can deny the pure romanticism of getting a bunch of flowers -oh..

I read the articles about decluttering and memories. Seems like there is symptoms or trends that are against Hoarders in USA. I just watched an episode of Dr. Oz talking about the ills of it (the same episode also talks about some bugs of the household pets).The guy who couldn't throw away stuff from childhood sounds like my brother. He would be agitated if mom throws away anything - those robots, toy cars, spidey soft toy, from his childhood. How cute. He is 30 this year and has a baby girl now.

01 May, 2012

The Avengers

I went to watch the Avengers with my collegue, last nigh pre-preview 4/30. Her brother's company is having movie night. I caught cold in mid term and had to rush back home immediately after the movie finished at midnight.

What a great show. I love how the new Director creates a logical story. The acting is strong and characters very compelling. Love it.

Also how wonderful that the interactions and dynamism between relationships of these superheroes - being playfully and quite realistically displayed. The only thing that I think is lacking is the feeling of watching a Movie than just a series. But maybe that's like reading an epic from the comic book.

Normally I have very good taste on what's good movie. Rotten tomatoes has it opening in USA on the 5th 96%.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...