26 December, 2011


Sometimes I wonder - what if.

The time flies and unfortunately couldn't be held back nor frozen by mortal hands.

While we while away precious time, in conquest of money, wealth, and that eventual happiness, what if we become wrinkled, crippled, weak, when the time comes for the harvest.


Sometimes maybe just keep things simple, with low expectation. It is easy to try to have happiness but it is so elusive when the mind keeps on weighing the optimum efforts. Isn't it a waste of time to do this. Isn't it useless to attempt that. I do not enjoy this. Or I will do this next time.

Oh so easy to delay and procrastinate. Please motivate me.

06 December, 2011

Standard Chartered

I was motivated. Tired. Energized. Not trained. Lazy. Glutton. Pasta party. Strategy. Pace.

Well I didn't train at all this time. Got to say do better than even my expectation - which was very low. Was hoping it would rain, so I could skip the run. Woke up at 545 - warmed up. Watched the marathoner running on the road below my house. Then got ready with my bro - got banana, gu tri-berry, and some strategy. Keep my heart beat slow and steady.

The results: 1:21 not that bad, we got into the first wave. Based on net timing I was doing worse. But I am contended - I got what I deserve except slightly better coz of the pacing.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...