08 March, 2021

My Golden Life

Sometimes things happen in your life that prompts reflection. This week is the last week before I rejoined the workforce. As I binge-watch the Kdrama My Golden Life from 2018.. I am touched by the struggles of ordinary people, of the feeling of injustice, unfair life, and humiliation of daily struggles when you have to feel struggles every day without the space to breathe. I am also reminded of every day you need to take step forward, at least to try, to be aware of your purpose, remember the passage of time, grow yourself, and seek happiness. Every characters in the drama is depicted in its nuance, not just black-and-white. Everyone is not born perfect, or good in every way. The characters however, like in any good drama, would grow, learn from their mistakes, and tackle with resilience, hard work, and passion.

This week is the last week of my sabbatical. I have come to enjoy the carefree life, and seek happiness in studying and growing my mind, which I discover give me a lot of joy. I am stretching myself in a new role, in a new company, with quite likely a different culture. But I am ready for that. I want to give it my best shot. The best is yet to come!

Update: March 15.

After marathon session, I finally finished up 52 episodes of this family drama. The gripping story lines, as well as some shocking cliff-hanger at the end of each episodes ensure that the audience is hooked. I watched the KBS award show and learnt that the series won many awards including the screenwriter, lead actress, and the lead actors of both the male protagonist and the father. Plus it was nominated for top new actor and other supporting actress as well for the sister and the mother. I do think that the second half of the show was not as good as the first half, possibly contributed or contributing to the health issues that the screenwriter experienced during award show in the new year of 2017. 

I am taking away a lot of the struggles of the standard people. But also the character development shows that people can change, grow, and be happy by realizing and leading their own golden life. The achievement, big company, large salary all contribute to a secure life, however if achieving all these is costing mental sanity, values, as well as family, then it is time to re-examine your life and have a truly heartfelt conversation with people whom might be selfish and hurt you. 

It makes me happy to just watch the simple relationship of the youngest brother and the youngest child of the Choi family versus the complicated and heart-aching relationship that the lead actor and actress have. Although you wholeheartedly support them, and the complexity makes the plot, sometimes simplicity is... well, just simple, pure and enjoyable.

Watching the middle-aged couples, I do crave for the longevity of relationship, when you grow old and hopefully wiser by sharing your lives together. It is not always a guarantee that you will lead a sweet life together, but I think the odds and likelihood of that happening is decidedly higher than when you are single.

01 March, 2021

Mr Queen

Mr Queen has interesting story lines, memorable characters, and great OST. The main character is feisty, but unfortunately it is showing that the body of Kim So-Young (actress Shin Hye-sun) was possessed by a spirit of a man to be breaking down the tradition and show what a Queen can do. 

Shin Hye-sun and Kim Jung-hyun

I love the outstanding King, played by actor Kim Jung-hyun whom I am championing as I feel a bit sorry for seeing his character as Alberto, in Crash Landing into You met undesirable ending.

Most importantly, the show gave great weight on a King's reputation but showed the steely resolved for people trying their best in the situation that they were in, whether being a puppet king, caring for the suffering of the people, a misplaced lady in weird situation, fighting for survival and love and many memorable characters among them, including the court ladies, prince, special director, friends, cousin and consort. 

Link to video.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...