06 September, 2020

August Wellness Month

Since Singapore opened up from Circuit Breaker, I have been easing to exercise gently. In month of August, we officially concluded 6-month period of the lockdown since pandemic started. It also coincided with Get Well "games" that was initiated by my company and encouraged us to form groups of 3-12 people to complete 10,000 minutes of exercise. 

So I am happy to report at the conclusion of August that the time that I dedicated to exercise and general well being has improved.

According to Strava app, I have regained distance of exercise travelled to 53km! While this is still short of 100km that I logged in Jan 2020 in 20-day period, frankly that was my personal best record. I am happy with the slow but steady progress. I had also dedicated 19hrs 19mins in total in Strava app. That plus my swimming record while I was in my final month of FitnessFirst membership made me proud of my accomplishments.

Happy Exercise!

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...