08 May, 2017

12-Hour Work day

It used to be that 12 to 14 hours work was normal. I used to build my life around work. I enjoyed my weekend to recover and catch up on my sleep, so I can start another week of rigorous work week. Wow what a life. I have changed my perspective sooner and slowly but surely. In particular when I hit 30 and start to learn more about life, learn more about human behavior, and more importantly, learn more about myself. I think self-help expert called this self awareness, the top quality for EQ (Emotional Intelligence).

Anyway, I digress. I just finished a Monday, an another 12-hour work day, when I swore to improve. But, there is no point beating yourself up about it. I have learnt that although I make mistakes and still trying to learn to take care of myself, the most important thing is to love myself and forgive. Forgive.

This is what I am reading today.

Me in Singapore Egg hunt Easter 2015

Me in USA in 2015 Feb (last US trip as Dynamics BD)

20 Questions that could change your life

Productivity: The Secret to Getting More.

35 Things to Do for your Career by 35.

Rules for Life after 35.

Pregnancy after 35.

35 Things I Wish I Had Done Before Turning 35

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...