05 October, 2016

Fireside chat with Toni Townes-Whitley

Earlier today, I went into office especially to attend a special fireside chat session Microsoft Corporate Vice President for Public Sector, Toni Townes-Whitley, even though I was feeling unwell and lethargic after particularly tiring start of the week.

Penning my thoughts, I am not particularly articulate, I am walking away feeling inspired by this lady. She is articulate and great speaker, but all CVPs do, otherwise that is a necessary skill to be in that role. However, what I found refreshing is the open conversation, the authenticity, and when she brought forth various topic such as fear-based management in a company full of smart people. When asked about strongest skillset to look for, she talks about consultative skill, which I think meant by active listening but also ability to listen, absorb, digest, and bring forth simplicity out of complexity.

It is also clear that she has been a public sector person when she talks about her family and the culture to serve the society and also change the world. It is also clear that she understands people motivation when she talks about giving ourselves a break and celebrate, and also when she challenges that things have to start from customers, but also when she said the challenge for everyone in sales facing role is to bring the inspirations to people internally that external view.

Later on, I found myself reading a blog about someone who decided to quit his high-paying job in Microsoft because along the way, he lost the way while gaining status within the organization. The link to the blog is here to read further.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...