18 September, 2016

Miley Cyrus

Here I want to write my comment about Miley Cyrus, a recognizable celebrity name of course. She was known as a notorious attention-seeker young woman who has courted controversies with her outrageous outfits, promiscuous stage acts, and lewd photos. I never had deep impression of her. Until today.
Miley Cyrus at Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show, Sept 2016, New York

Here is the article from Huffington Post, about her outspoken critic of Donald Trump and her comment during Jimmy Fallon show. The title of the article is misleading, link. Because after watching the video, I found no outright critism from her to her host Jimmy Fallon about messing up the appearance of Donald Trump on his show. But I found a masterful performance of Bob Dylan's "Baby, I am in the Mood for You" and leant her vocal critism of Donald Trump, who has so far been a disgrace of American politics. I am impressed by Miley Cyrus' intelligence, outrightness, and original spirit. She has been through a lot since the time of her teenage celebrity, and it must be hard to live through that from such a young age, among competitive spotlights, and with such an outsized talents must come expectation. She also went through a highly publicized breakup with a man that she seemed to have loved very much. So I salute a tough lady like that. Go Miley Cyrus!

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...