16 January, 2015


It is day 4 of my pneumonia. I am recovering - or I think I am. I'm still coughing but at less intensity. The phlegm or the secretion from lung, you are supposed to get rid off, is thankfully didn't turn glob green. But instead lighten its color to light yellow.

I tried to pace my antibiotics, and since I am supposed to take twice a day, I pace it 12-hour a part at 11 o'clock. I then take the probiotics roughly in between that, trying to take them in between meals.

I made homemade soup yesterday with hotpotch of greeneries, red and yellow bell peppers. Today I made pork meatball with simple recipe of minced pork, flour (supposed to be cornflour but I only had all-purpose flour at home), spring onion, then salt and pepper. They are comfy food.

Researching only, it seems that the only food to avoid is dairy products, such as milk as it allegedly promote phlegm production. I am reading David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell, a recommended read.

13 January, 2015

2-Day Medical Leave

There is flu virus that is going around Singapore. I heard cough in office, mall, library, etc. Be careful. I had been having cough, with progressive improvements, until last night I suddenly caught a bad fever that leave me with most horrible body ache, and temperature at high 39 degrees.

Luckily the fever broke in the morning, after a short conference call, I saw doctor. And be given 2 days medical leave to rest and take care of myself. 10ml Dhasedyl syrup for cough 10mlx3, Papain 2tabx3, and Diclofenac 1tab 25mgx3 for cough relief and inflammation.

Update: I got allergic reaction on the third time I was taking the medications. I saw the doctor the morning after, and after an X-Ray was diagnosed with pneumonia. This explains the cough, fever, weakness, body fatigue, that I had. The X-ray showed white patch on the lower right lung. I got 4 medications (1) anti-histamine for my allergic reaction Fexofenadine (Telfast 180mg)1tabx1, (2) antibiotics 28tabs total for 1-week course, 2tabsx2 daily Clarithromycin 250mg tab, (3) probiotics Lactobacillus Acidophilus (Diaarstope) 1tabx1, (4) for cough relief Codipront 1x3 daily.

Advices for patients with Pneumonia recovery
1. It may affect people, even if young and fit. Drink lots of liquids and get enough exercise.
2. Breath normally and deeply. It is advised to walk in relax mode and sitting down rather than lying unless you are tired. To help lungs exercise.
3. Eat the full course of antibiotics to clear the bacteria fully, even if feeling better.
4. Treat it seriously as pneumonia can make you very sick. See doctor if there is no recovery after taking medicines for 48 hours.
5. If like me, also prescribed with probiotics, the probiotics help promote growth of good bacteria after the antibiotics wipe all the bacteria. Take at least 2 hours within the antibiotics and adviced about 1 hour before food.

The doctor gave medical leave for the rest of the week (today is Wednesday) so I have enough rest and hopefully I am recovering in my next visit due on Monday.

I am so blessed to catch allergic reaction coz otherwise I wouldn't have seen the doctor again today and got finally diagnosed correctly. And I would likely keep on working when I got back to office due to my schedule, so I receive much blessings in hindsight that I am thankful for.

Thank you God.

04 January, 2015

Nice Madeleine Recipes


How to Make Classic French Madeleines

Makes 24 madeleines

Jan 4 The Day before Epiphany

Life has no graduation. It goes on and on without segregated ending that could make you feel frustrated. The question is on coping and on altering expectation.

Here is a shocking story about a 2-year old girl living with her drug-abusing parents in Russia. The girl had such a sad and gloomy face. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/shocking-photographs-two-year-old-girl-living-3284053

01 January, 2015

Archive: 2014 Target List

  • reach 54kg without starving myself
  • sabbatical - done
  • 2.5hr 21km - done
  • finish 2014 exh list
  • pass driving lesson - done

Archive: 2014 Exh List

  • my arts space
  • 48 bm
  • manipedi - 2 left mani
  • central mall
  • tg katong facial
  • 3 facials - minus 1
  • golf lessons

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...