07 December, 2015

Bali ~ Island of Paradise Nov 2015 Day 4

After dophin watch, set back, and started making our way back to Kuta. Before that, we had to visit the hidden secret of Hot Spring Banjar at the Singaraja district. Banjar can be reached from parking lot along 5 mins walk. The hot spring was public swimming area, with multiple pools and streams of hot water piping thru the wall.

Mom posing next to a pool.

The bath was refreshing and relaxing.

A side trip to Buddhist temple, Brahmavihara Arama.

A nice secluded place

Then, ready to set off to the south, we passed the twin lake of Batur, Danau Tambligan and Danau Buyan that are located side-by-side.

Family photo
Then we travelled the city, as we had time to spare, and stopped by Toko Krishna to buy souvenirs for Handy, along the Sunset Road. Then it's time to catch 6pm sunset at Uluwatu Temple.

The temple was filled with people, and it was my first time to visit Uluwatu finally. The sky gave a promising but cloudy outlook for a nice sunrise today. Meanwhile, there was a public announcement to gather people for Kecak dance a traditional group dance in Bali that is commonly danced in a temple and during sunset, inducing trance.

Everyone must wear decent covered clothes, or a gold-cloth belt


Sunset majestic at Uluwatu Temple, Bali.
We finished very satisfied and awed by the natural beauty here. Then we set off for nightcap, by travelling and strolling along Jalan Pantai towards Poppies lane, with a spa at Soma Massage & Spa, and then settled for another dinner at that budget place. Mom had a scary looking pecel lele, which is a deep-fried catfish served with indo chili belacan.

Bali ~ Island of Paradise Nov 2015 Day 3

Day 3 started early at 8, we set off after leaving our big luggage in hotel, to a day stay at Pantai Lovina, North Bali. Lovina beach is known for its fine black sandy beach, near Buleleng which is a township north of Bali, and it was an old capital of Bali.

On our way there, we passed a couple of garden, one is the Royal Garden at Mengwi. The ground was peaceful and well maintained.

 The layout of the garden is it's rectangular square, passing a big aula on the right on the way in, we then encountered the Bali gate, and proceeding, we encountered the garden ground full of the traditional Balinese tower structure. Towards the end of the square, there was a big wild ground with pathways perfect for strolling under the hot sun.

On the way out, I posed with a Balinese structure that looks so prosperous with big tummy.

After that we proceeded up towards Batur Lakes, passing by Ulun Danu which which the sight on which Rupiah currency bill of 50.000,- was derived.

Oh yes, not forgetting lunch, in a Sundanese restaurant, which is tasty with nasi tumpeng, and Sate. The restaurant was totally empty when we ate with a garden pool, surrounded by pondok2x and many waitresses.

  Our tasty Sundanese lunch.

Mom posing with 50,000 rupiah

Me with Ulun Danu pura.

After that we proceeded northward, arriving at Waterfall Gitgit. It was so peaceful, after the rain, we trekked for about 30mins around 2km thru village pathway, lined up with small shops selling souvenir. Mom chatted with one of the storekeeper, who revealed that she rent one of those rustic stall for 150-thousand rupiah (around USD120 per month).

Gitgit waterfall, it was amazing.

Afterthus, we arrived at Lovina Beach. Searched for a motel or inn by roadside. We settled for the first one we encountered, which charge by aircon, having color TV, and 3 beds in a family room. We paid 300-thousand rupiah (approx. USD25). Then off to explore the beach.
Exploring Lovina beach

The beachside when we arrived, we say the group of many people who moved from the coast, to gather around a few speakers who preached peacefulness, religiousity, and character building.

Lovina Square
There are also many local and domesticated dogs playing along the beach. The beach is around 70% local and it was non-peak season then.

Dinner at Warung Ayu

After strolling at the beach, we retired to our room, refreshed ourselves, then set off for a sumptous simple dinner at Warung Ayu. A popular place it seems, who charge approx USD2-3 per dish.

The next morning, we were awake by 6am to catch the dophin seeing. The dophins were wild, and live in one or two pods along the coast. Our small, narrow boat was powered by a noisy engine, carried the 3 of us and the captain, who stood by at the back of the boat. We paid Rp. 100rb (US$8 per person) for 2-hour round trip.

Our rickety boat #06
Mom, Dad, and me

Racing in sunrise with other boats
We set off about 30 mins before then the chase game began. The pods were finally discovered and it was almost like a game to locate and then travelled there. Even during this non-peak season there must be around 20 or so boats full of tourists who chase the pods. The dophins were disturbed, poor thing, but it was undescribable feeling to be seeing these group of free mammals travelling carefree in their wild habitat. Our captain was good, he often stayed outside the group and we were rewarded by frequent show of the jumping dophins, before the other boats approached with their urgent engine sounds.

In our final leg, after 20 mins or so, we were rewarded by the sight of dophins swimming underneath our boat, the few dark shapes like a blur before surfacing on the other side.

06 December, 2015

Bali ~ Island of Paradise Nov 2015 Day 1 & 2

We planned the short trip to Bali in early Nov, right before the news about Volcano eruption in Lombok, a neighboring island eastward, causes the Bali Ngurah Rai airport to be shut down a few times. Unfortunately we booked on Jetstar which due to its own "security" protocol refuses to fly from Singapore, and onwards to Australia despite many other airlines flying safely. I booked my leave over Deepavali holiday on Tuesday.
Me at Tanah Lot sunset

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...