12 May, 2014

Preparation for my 6-week Break

I have been asked often, what's my prep for the break.

I am feeling luxuriously and blessed to have the opportunity to take this break. I have no clue what and where I am going but I am trying to shake away the feeling of being forced to pack stuff on my agenda.

I am thinking of Nepal. some sort of meditation week. Also some vigorous activity.
So toying with ideas of taking 1 week quiet meditation thru Nepal or Bhutan - then head over to Europe/Peru for backpacking, simple and bare stuff of travel. So no 5-star, going back to basic.

My initial research for a place brought me to Nepal, searching Buddhist meditation classes brought some link:

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...