12 May, 2014

Nepali Visa

From :http://www.kopanmonastery.com/about_info.html

Nepali Visas

You will need a valid visa to enter Nepal. This is now available at the airport for a stay of up to three months for most nationalities (Please check with the nearest Nepal Embassy for special regulations applicable for your country of origin). It can be extended for up to five months within one calendar year. The visa needs to be paid in cash US$ on arrival at the airport. Bring US$ in cash for this purpose. Also needed is a passport size photo.
The cost of the visa:
15 days = 20 US$
1 month = 40 US$
3 months = 100 US$

Preparation for my 6-week Break

I have been asked often, what's my prep for the break.

I am feeling luxuriously and blessed to have the opportunity to take this break. I have no clue what and where I am going but I am trying to shake away the feeling of being forced to pack stuff on my agenda.

I am thinking of Nepal. some sort of meditation week. Also some vigorous activity.
So toying with ideas of taking 1 week quiet meditation thru Nepal or Bhutan - then head over to Europe/Peru for backpacking, simple and bare stuff of travel. So no 5-star, going back to basic.

My initial research for a place brought me to Nepal, searching Buddhist meditation classes brought some link:

07 May, 2014

Fortune for Taurus in 2014

2014 Yearly Horoscope for Taurus


2014 is the year of expansion, fulfilling work and stellar wellbeing, Taurus! If you've fallen prey to the typical Taurus legacy of neglecting your own needs and taking care of everyone else's problems, this is the year to take your power and your life force back so that you can invest in a brand-new life. No, this does not make you selfish or uncaring, this makes you true yourself and with a greater capacity to give to your loved ones because you will no longer be running on empty -- which is probably how you've felt over the past few years. You've certainly learned the art of releasing control in 2013. The good news is that the fog is finally about to lift as the South Node finally moves out of your stars this March. You've been letting go of so many things -- from material possessions to antiquated concepts around values and security. In fact, you've relinquished so much that you may barely recognize your life at this point, Taurus. You've certainly learned to simplify your world in 2013, and now you're getting ready to go rebuild towards greater beauty and harmony. The focus of 2014 is all about communication, work and daily ritual. If you've been promising yourself for eons that you'll get your daily routine into better balance as in: more exercise, better sleep and less work, this is the year to make that happen.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...