25 August, 2012

Holiday and Expectation

I am back from holiday for almost 20 days in Europe. We hit 5 countries on the first 6 days. beyond statistics, as my number-driven travelling companions like to say, I love this vacation because it has no expectation. I had no expectation on myself, how I should spend my time, how I should behave on politeness , that I should keep in touch with the world through tv, internet, all and my thinking just roam and be free.

Post 20 days relaxing holiday, I hit the office this Tuesday so chilled'out. And dive into 12 hours workday with jetlag and little sleep. Oh boy. My mentor said "it's because you came back and realize how stressful this role actually is."

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...