08 February, 2011

Placeholder for new year resolution.

3 new cities I want to visit this year:
1. Switzerland
2. Lombok
3. Kota Kinabalu

5 new restaurants I want to try this year:

Any recommendations? :)
It's been a while since I posted. This is the first 2011 I have.
How time flies. Only I recently my friends and I had beer together and a friend asked my new year resolution. I said "Why?". "Because you are the sort of new-year-resolution-type of person". Yeah it's true.

This year, I haven't really decided yet. Really. My excuse this time is I am too busy until the Chinese New Year to decide what to focus on this year. Not just another long list of easy stuff that I ended up executing half and leaving out the other real half year to year.

This morning, a close friend at work dropped a bombshell. He said he is going to make decision whether to leave in 2 days. My heart stopped, then pumped again. Of course I know he has been contemplating the move all along. Still, I am alarmed that the time is so close, now, this week. I do however remember what really matters, and I wish him to find the best decision that makes him happy and work funs. I know how miserable he has been so God bless him. May the better decision prevails.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...