04 April, 2023


 ManMan our white-fur shy robo hamster is dying. His movement is weak. He barely eats today. He pauses after a few steps as-if to catch his breath. He could no longer muster enough strength to scurry away from me this afternoon.

It saddens me to see him deteriorate so fast. Is he ill? Is he feeling pain? Is he dying? When is he going to die? What if he dies when we are at Genting? Will he live that long when we go to Genting in 2 weeks?

I was just calling the pet vet last night. After observing what looks like a blood spot or scar on his skin. He has been shedding fur badly. He struggled to drink from his water bottle yesterday. But today he couldn’t even lift his head and paws to hold to the drinking nozzle. He shivers and struggled… badly.

My heart aches seeing him. Why? Seeing the frailty and struggled of illness or old age. Knowing that ManMan is dying. The poignancy of his head leaning on my hand as he couldn’t even run away anymore unlike this morning. He is skinny, now with his bone showing, matted fur. Eyes are both closed now. ManMan was still strong enough on Sunday when we changed his enclosure to run. But today he limped and fell every other step.

In a way his rapid deterioration is shocking. Very sad. In another way, he probably does not need to struggle long. Unlike Lucky, with companionship, ManMan might go to heaven soon.

My heart ache and yet full of love.

Cherishing the moment that ManMan has brighten our lives. Gentle ManMan who never bites.

Who is shy and aways run away when we tried to touch him.

Who loves vegetable, egg yolk, pine nuts, and especially corn.

Who licked Lucky when she was dying.

Who is full of live with his cute snow white fur.

Who loves cleanliness and spend hours grooming his fur so that is very clean, glossy, and nicely comb.

Who has two large testicles underneath his butt, we dubbed his treasures.

Who, like his name sake, gave us abundant joy just watching him live.

A blurry shot of ManMan as he is always very active.

ManMan September 25, 2021- April 4th, 2023. Rest in Peace.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...