29 June, 2021

Upgrade your brain

 I attended 1.5 days part of the BD Academy in my new company. Day 2 features Jim Kwik, with his interesting delivery about how to upgrade brain and with his 10 tips on morning to upstart your brain. He introduces his concept of FAST (Forget, Active, State, Transcendence).

Forget =:

Our brain is terrible at multi-tasking. Can only function at one cognitive function at a time. 2-3 minutes task switching time.

Active =:

I think this is about our brain remembers more when creating.

State =:

Our brain remembers with emotion i.e. State-dependant.

Transcendence =:

Cross the "trans" - auto functioning. For example, use your other hand to activate focus.


 Listening to podcasts of Ear Biscuits by Rhett and Link, I am listening to easy-going chat about Enneagrams, Multi-level marketing, and Therapy.

Therapy is cheaper... just scratching the surface when you start. You start uncovering behavioral pattern, perhaps, coming from your childhood or unconscious brain.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...