31 October, 2020

Getting out of thinking trap

 Today’s challenge on LumiHealth is to address thinking trap. It defines some of destructive thinking pattern to get out of, and our task is to write our thoughts down and be concious of them.

I had a succesful chat about a role in an org that I wanted to work for. On the other hand, the chat to explore another org is not that great. Why? Maybe I am jumping to conclusion. I sense some frustration but it could be the person is really trying to help and need a more specifics. It could be that she doesn’t know enough details and be confident. 

The thinking trap describes the following pattern to watch out for:

1. Jumping to conclusions

2. All or nothing thinking

3. Over-generalization

4. Confirmation bias

5. Emotional thinking.

The wellness exercise encourages us to write down our thoughts and come up with as many positive thoughts that I can.

Some things I am grateful for this week:

Great chat and coaching from Sook Hoon. Be prepared and go nail the time to be productive and impress the other party.

Good connection with Lisa.

Positive progress and support from Ali.

Great call with Su Yim a leader that I admire.

Ok chat re-establishing connection with Ricky.

I tried making Coq Au Vin

Nicely crispy martabak manis with dark chocolate and cashews

Beautiful flowers from team, arranged by Sharon.

So much to be thankful for!

27 October, 2020

Caring leadership

 I am so touched by the model, coach, care that was demonstrated to me by 2 senior female leaders, that I almost teared up on the call. One is someone whom I know for 16 months, and one in a recent conversation. I know they have strong agenda and yet they leave me at the end of the conversation full of energy and strength in spirit to carry on and with resilience.

I am so thankful and blessed, and I hope someday I can sincerely be one like them and pay it forward.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...