26 August, 2018

This Weekend

Is mom's birthday. We will be going out to celebrate with Sunday brunch buffet at TripleThree, one of the best international buffet in Singapore. I am relatively strung this week, with offsite coming up next week, missing our Saturday's night date, and with my boss' birthday on Monday.

I have also been reading copiously - alternatively between I hear You by Michael Sorensen, What I know for sure by Oprah Winfrey, and Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Went for swim yesterday and woke up energized whole day because of that.

On Tuesday, met up with Eunice who is a dear old friend. She is moving roles, and will take approx 1 month break from work and spending sometime with her hubby in Tianjin. She looks young and happy! I am feeling that she is relieved from getting out of current role, and the fact that hospitalization due to recent health scare is over.

Also I was "duped" into attending Henry's family day at Rolls Royce. We went to their manufacturing tour, which is cool!

What I am grateful for today August 25, 2018 at 7am
  • I am grateful for my family,
  • The feeling of jazz music flowing softly through my living room at 7am Saturday morning
  • I am grateful to be with and observe how my boss work those calls - tough with work - and with our apac stu and apac ssm
  • Grateful that my team admin Rohaini and everyone is working towards making the offsite successful, yesterday
  • Grateful that I am feeling special to be able to make someone blush and shy and for being able to give my time to support and be there, yesterday
  • Grateful to be alive and life is still rolling
  • Grateful to be watching an episode of grace and frankie - about touching wedding of robert and sol and the question about making wish.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...