02 July, 2018

New Fiscal Year 2019

Today is the start of new fiscal year. Looking back FY18 had been a year full of work, learnings, relationship, and making a new self. Lots have happened since I wrote back in April after my Maldives holiday.

Most recently, I had frank conversation about my insecurities, my sensitivity to reactions, overthinking about responses of people, and my intolerance to incompetence. I cried multiple times during bouts of depression and sadness and I know yet a decision to be made in terms of what I want to do moving forward.

But, it is nice to pause and reflect and celebrate. For another year of well done work and tireless work of building foundation. Creating something special out of nothing. Creating a sense of belonging and team, and environment where people can be happy, productive, and perform.

I spent overnight reading Quora, check my finances, looking for investment options. Trying to enrich myself spiritually, and emotionally. Letting my thinking and rational process free for a moment. I love the feeling of letting go and letting down hair for a moment. So looking forward for my holiday in Los Angeles with my parents before heading to Ready in Las Vegas.

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...