31 January, 2016

2015 Reminiscence

A year passed, that will never be repeated again. Like a fleeting ghost of time, we'll never grasp again the moment that has passed.

If I recollect, what a year 2015. A year of change. I finally changed my job, after a long-long time running. A year I break free from my heartburn, and start a new. A year of discovery as I started fresh-eyed into a new job in Enterprise Group. And fighting different type of battle, and know new type of people. A year where I have felt been on unstable ground. Exciting, yet, scary, uncomfortable, and so frustrating. A year when I lost my old manager and cherish her good qualities. A year when I meet new manager and discovered aspects of the new role.

And yet, many of the parallel is so true for my personal life; I break free from the old mould, and liberate myself. A relief, and yet filled with a sense of longing and hope of things not so belated.

This year has been a year when I connected back to my ancestry, joining a simple ritual of cing ming at home, Jakarta, revisited grandma's burial place. It is so scary to think how much time has passed and how the burial ground is totally unfamiliar to me. And yet I still remember grandma's face, her hair, her shape, and her dresses. Those memory burned to the mind of the young me. Remembering her last message to study hard and be a good student. With my adult mind, I am trying to fathom her last message that she was trying to pass to her young grandchildren, probably one among many, when we filed to the room to say goodbye. I wonder what came across her mind then, what message and hope she carried that she was trying to convey during that precious time. Yet with her simple message she probably had already fulfilled the biggest dream of human kind, to be a good member of the family, a good member of society, be someone useful, learned, and smart, and not to be a burden to family, and someday contribute back to this clan.

At the end of year 2015, I also get to know more people. People I shouldn't have otherwise know. Also heard about the fortune teller, whose words weigh consciously and unconsciously in my mind. This is also the year when Henry went to UK to pursue his MBA. And home in Singapore is different, the same, but subtly different. What i felt so acutely this moment, probably is just a grain in the tremendous sand of time. How strange and yet how trivial. and yet so potent to my individual heart and mind.

28 January, 2016

Law of Gravitation

I have forgotten most of my childhood and colleagues lectures. And today I am again delighted by the joy of learning and lectures thru a lecture series published by Bill Gates under Project Tuva with Microsoft Research. This is a lecture by a wonderful professor Dr. Richard Feynman about the Characteristic of Physical Law, using the Law of Gravitation as an example.

Watch it here: http://research.microsoft.com/apps/tools/tuva/#data=4%7C6b89dded-3eb8-4fa4-bbcd-7c69fe78ed0c%7C%7C

Seeing experiences with fresh eyes

Given my propensity to seek new experiences, I wanted to start a new series of article that explores experiences that are new, new to me, or...